I'm | Designer. Developer. Creative.

 "The best way to predict the future is to create it."

Hi , I'm  Dev

Giving A Peek Into Your Personal Life Can Help Build A Stronger Sense Of Social Capital . It’s The Same Reason Why Water Cooler Conversations Bring Us Together. I'm A Programmer And A Enthusiast Learner.I Am Still Learning. But I Can Ensure You That I Am A Fast Learner. I Am Always Open To Learn And Unlearn At The Same Time. Unlearning As In Letting Go The Outdated Practices And Ideas And Moving To The New Emerging Techniques. 

curriculum Vitae

( Check out the Modals below )

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 just say Hello.

Feel free to get in touch with me, I'm always open to discussing new ideas or opportunities to be part of your visions.

My site is getting a little tune up and some love.

I apologize for the inconvenience, but I'm performing some maintenance. You can still contact me at dgarg5908@gmail.com. I'll be back up soon!

You can connect with me on LinkedIn by clicking here

—Dev Garg